Tuesday, June 26, 2012

" Him Who Wore Gray, Now Wearing Black, A Divine Appointment"

He is wearing black now. When I first saw him he was wearing gray. Doesn't really matter to me what color he wears, as his gentleness and kindness would show up nicely against any color.

I believe in Divine Appointments, I think everyone should. I have received too many blessings not to believe in them. I have heard it said that, "There are no coincidences! It's just God acting anonymous!".  Now some people may believe in that statement, and in their life that phrase may have merit.

But not in my life.

Oh, now I am not trying to elevate myself above anyone or anything. People are of course free to think and say anything they want. But, as for me, I don't think God is ever acting "anonymous", I feel it is "us" who never make the connection or come to the realization that God is always "active and visible" in our lives.
There have been many instances in my life that bear out the truth of His visibility, but for now I'll just talk about one of His most recent showings.

There is a "Coffee Hour" after the Divine Liturgy on Sundays at church. Now this may be done at your church or it may be not. Hopefully it is and prayerfully you are attending church on Sunday! At the Coffee Hour I have been blessed to find myself sitting next to, "him who wore gray, now wearing black" (almost sounds like a traditional Native American name, when put like that) over the last few weeks. Being the infant that I am in Orthodoxy, I have need of someone who can show me about Orthodoxy and not just "tell" me about Orthodoxy. This gentleman is doing just that and I bet he is not even aware of it, which is why I find it so wonderful.

At the Coffee Hour, he and I talk about God, and the Orthodox Church, and all that is included in such. Now, it is not so much "what" he tells me, as it is, "how" he tells me. There is a "joy" in his voice, and a "brightness" in his countenance.
If there is one true sign that our conversations are interesting and fun, it is that before you know it, an hour has gone by and the "clean up team" is busy at work and the Coffee Hour has come to end, and sadly you feel it is time to leave. But perhaps it is just as well, this way, I don't go on "brain - overload" and forget many of the details of our conversations. That would be a shame and I would be a poorer man because of it.
The look of  a  rich  man

However, right now and in the days to come, I can say with total confidence, that not because of my abilities, but because of God, and the Divine Appointments He has created in my life recently, they being:  using my friend Jim V. to direct me to this church in Brick, N.J., my daughter Tiffany attending her 2nd Vespers Service (2 weeks in a row) alongside me, Father Gary and all who are part of this new church family that have welcomed me, and meeting and talking and being shown Orthodoxy by " him who wore gray, now wearing black, a.k.a. Reader John,"  that I am indeed one of the richest men around. Amen!!! 

Keep your eyes and your heart at the ready, His Divine Appointments are everywhere!


  1. I like Reader John! Very nice man.

  2. yes, Reader John rocks! (is that an Orthodox term?)
    He was the first man I had a conversation with at the parish. When I first came I sat directly behind him. He turned around and welcomed me~ not recognizing me, he asked if I was Orthodox (I must have really looked out of place). I of course said, "no". Just then Fr Gary walked out to begin and John hastily said, "We'll talk later" which we did!
